Facelift or rhytidectomy is a procedure of tightening the saggy skin of the face. Facelift procedure is commonly used to enhance the appearance of the face and the neck. The first visible signs of aging appear on the face. The patient usually seeks a consultation with a plastic/cosmetic surgeon to improve the facial skin quality and to given the facial tissues a firm and youthful look..
Sagging of the forehead skin, sagging of the cheek fat, prominent nasolabial folds (crease between the cheek and the lip), and jowling (skin folds hanging by the sides of the jaws) are the signs that one sees. Also you can see neck folds or turkey neck as it is called as a person ages.
As one can see in this morphed picture of a guy and how he would look when older, the changes are pretty evident.
1. The skin quality is poor
2. The skin has lost tone and elasticity
3. The eyebrow has drooped
4. The malar pad of fat has dropped
5. The cheeks are hollow
6. The jowls have appeared making the face look broader at the bottom rather than at the top giving the shape of an “”truncated Triangle”
7. Deeper folds
8. Drooping of the outer angle of the mouth
so, these changes of aging are partly because of loss of skin quality, loss of volume because of loss of sub cutaneous tissue, effects of gravity and of course effects of sun damage and pollutants.
Face lift is the last in a series of procedures designed to counteract these effects and correct these signs of aging.
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Disclaimer-The content on this website is for imparting knowledge and to create awareness about various plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures available today. Hence, this must be treated as general information which can not replace consulting a board-certified plastic surgeon for personalized guidance. The images and videos on the website do not represent the typical results as the case of every patient is different and the treatment methods chosen to manage a particular condition can also vary from person to person.
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